Ab workouts with kettlebell ab swing are a great way to improve your body image and boost overall fitness. They’re also a low-impact cardiovascular training method that can improve your core strength and build muscle faster than walking on the treadmill.
To get started, lie on your back with a kettlebell in each hand. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your knees bent slightly.
Holding the kettlebell with both hands, bend at the waist and push your hips forward, then thrust them back and across your torso. Repeat for 10 reps.
Awesome Kettlebell Ab Exercises To Strengthen Your Core
Then, pull your hips back and down, directly your arm laterally across your body until you’re past your right knee. Return to the start position, with your kettlebell locked overhead.
Kettlebell Straight Arm Sit
Despite being a variation on the Sit and Press, this exercise works your abs and obliques differently. Since the kettlebell is held in one hand, your core must work harder to keep your shoulders and abs from rotating as you sit up.
Kettlebell Plank Row
This move targets your abs and obliques as you perform a horizontal row, but it also helps train your back muscles. It’s a perfect complement to any other abdominal exercises you may be doing.
Typewriter Drag
This is a fun twist on the classic plank movement, and it’s a good way to finish your abs with kettlebells. As you drag your kettlebell from side to side, it forces your core to resist rotation and help you maintain a strong, stable torso. This anti-rotation training can make your squats and deadlifts more efficient, because it helps your core stay stabilized while the weight is off-balance.